Sunday, July 25, 2010

I want to go to the Caravan

Just getting back from six months on the road, and came across two articles in the Globe about a company in the North Okanagan out in B.C, called Caravan Farm Theatre. Check out the two articles, here and here. The first, is about their current production Everyone which is actually a collaboration between seven companies including the Caravan. The other six are from Vancouver. Each company has worked with a single setting, a ride in a horse drawn carriage, and a theme of human instinct: sustenance, self-protection, nurturing, etc. It sounds like an interesting project. But it wasn't until I saw the second article that I was really intrigued. The Caravan has been around since 1970, and they do theatre on a farm. Yea how awesome is that? I'm not sure if there is anything that could possibly be better than having stables backstage. Caravan sounds like our kind of place. So if your in the Armstrong area of BC this summer don't miss Everyone, and if you have already seen something at Caravan drop us a line because we would love to know more.

image from the Globe and Mail.

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