Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Billy Twinkle Extended

It was announced last week that Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy, Ronnie Burkett's masterpiece, has been extended until October 31st, at Factory Theatre. EAP was fortunate to see Billy Twinkle last Friday. We loved the show. Mr. Burkett is clearly not only a master puppeteer but also a compelling actor and comedian. The two-hour, one-man performance was funny, thoughtful and highly entertaining.

The show follows Billy Twinkle as he grows up in Saskatchewan, develops his puppetry, and settles into a "showbiz gig," as a cruise ship performer. When we meet Billy, he is dissatisfied, and has lost his love of puppets. While contemplating ending it all, Billy is visited by the puppet ghost of his most influential teacher, Sid Diamond. Sid and Billy re-tract their relationship, and Billy's life, to great humor and aplomb.

We are thrilled to hear that the show has received overwhelming critical and popular acclaim and we highly recommend that if you haven't seen Billy Twinkle you hurry over to Factory Theatre before the run ends. Click the header to ticket information, or to learn more about upcoming shows at Factory.

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