Monday, November 12, 2012

Preview: Lord of the Flies

Opening next Thursday November 22nd, at the Lower Ossington Studio Theatre is the classic Lord of the Flies.  If you have never seen this play or read the book then you do not want to miss this opportunity to see this incredible show at one of Toronto's hottest new theatres.

Lord of the Flies tells the story of a group of school boys who are the only survivors of a deadly plane crash. Stranded on a desert island with no adults and no rules, their fragile sense of civilization quickly crumbles in this dynamic exploration of power, democracy, and the dichotomy of good and evil.

Lord of the Flies runs from Nov 22nd - Dec 9th.  Click here for tickets and click here to see all of LOTs offerings this season.  They have a great line-up of family friendly shows and great date night offerings.  

1 comment:

Maxine said...

The staging, special effects, and acting were top notch! Most memorable performances by the actors playing savage Jack, terrorized Piggy, and terrified Perceval (note the quiet yet profound performance by this youngest cast member!).